Bioshock 2 Xbox 360 is a beautiful, provoking and a must-play Game of the Year 2010 with several enhancements over the first.
Bioshock 2 Xbox 360 is a beautiful, provoking and a must-play Game of the Year 2010 with several enhancements over the first.
Gran Turismo 5
Gran Turismo 5 is a Game to find the best online racers of the year. The new comers are invited to trial their skills in opposition to the rest in the single track mode around the
For those who finished God of War 2 Game, it would be very clear where the story of God of War 3 begins. The player will take a role of Kratos who is on the way of getting revenge on the Gods.
Aliens Vs Predators
Imagination has no Limits! What we Hear, See or Feel in our mind gets a perfect shape by our Imagination. What people visualize is widely expressed in the form of Stories through Books and movies. Among which the most established Characters are Aliens and Predators. The Latest Game release related to this group is Aliens Vs. Predators 2 – A Game for PS3, Xbox 360 & PC which is set to release in February 2010 by Rebellion.
The orders are easy; hunt down and accomplish a rogue agent that has stolen top-secret intelligence and millions in Agency money. For agent Rico Rodriguez, the mission is anything but an everyday habit. The target is Tom Sheldon, Rico’s previous commanding officer, mentor and friend; a man who knows Rico better than he knows himself.
Dead Rising 2
In the Gameplay, the Hero should fight with Zombies, complete missions and protect the civilians who survive. The prime motivation for chuck Greene to attack the Zombies is to protect his daughter, who had already lost her mother.
The Game will not come under the normal Game genre like Shooting or a Racing Game and you will not even roam around different cities. There will be 4 playable characters like a FBI, Journalist, Detective and an Architect. One of the playable characters in the Heavy Rain Game is Ethan who should save his son from a Serial Killer.
Metal Gear Solid: Rising is the latest Videogame in the Action line-up of MGS Series. Raiden, who was given the role of Non-playable Cyborg will play the primary character and is the most well-liked among the MGS Universe. The Game release will be for sure a great Expectation for Xbox 360 users because Metal Gear Solid Rising is the first game in Xbox Platform.
Final Fantasy XIII
A tale of souls from a futuristic civilization illuminated by the Light of the
Set during the fall of Rapture, players assume the role of a Plasmid test subject for Sinclair Solutions, a premier provider of Plasmids and Tonics in the underwater city of
In addition to the single player mode, Lost Planet 2 Game also supports Multiplayer options up to 4 Players to face the mission along with your friends. Aliens in the world E. D. N. III don’t appreciate humans in their world and they are visualized as the most frustrating characters when compared to the previous Game.