Brave: A Warrior's Tale, developed by Collision Games is an expanded renovation of the original game Brave.
Set seventy years after the original, the gamestory plays as a series of flashback in which the present elderly Brave describes the events of his life. This game brings expansive exploration and in-game interactivity to the players on their mission to protect their tribe from the sources of evil, continuously offering a noteworthy challenge to players as they advance through a world of wild enemies. Generally, the players undergo 13 major areas to travel through, including lush forests, raging rivers, wide open plains, and the spirit world.
During the course of the game, the player takes the role of Courage, a young boy who learns lessons from his elder's experiences to stop the present threat to their village. This game is much perfect for young players also, since they can master combat controls easily. In this game, Brave can able to communicate as well as transform into various animals, track prey, and fight enemies that test his strength, from evil wolves and giant bees to mythical beasts that stand in his way. During the battle, players can use bows and arrows, tomahawks and a variety of ancient powers to defeat their enemies.
Moreover, during the attacks, the players may lose their health level that is indicated in the screen. So, in order to restore their health, they must use Dream Catchers. In short, this game is packed with updated features and unlockable contents which can be gained throughout the game.
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