Thursday, June 25, 2009

Left 4 Dead: The Game – Be a Survivor or an Infected

Left 4 Dead is a game that features four “Survivors” in an epic struggle against hordes of swarming zombies and terrifying “Boss Infected” mutants.

The Survivor Co-op Game Mode is played out across four sprawling campaigns, set in urban and rural environments. Each campaign has an over-riding team objective, and is comprised of five large maps. The campaigns link together to tell the story of the Survivor’s escape to safety. The team of four Survivors may be comprised of 1 to 4 human players, allowing for single player and multiplayer co-op games.

A new and highly poisonous strain of the rabies virus emerges and spreads through the human population with threatening speed. The pandemic's victims become comically disfigured widely violent psychopaths, attacking the uninfected on sight. Only few survivors i.e. the players are immune to sickness and also trapped in a city crawling with thousands of the zombies.

Players can play as a Survivor or as one of four types of Boss Infected, each of whom possess a unique mutant ability, such as a 50-foot tongue lasso or a giant belly full of explosive methane gas. Gamers can share weapons, ammo and med kits, covering each other as they run through exposed areas and healing pals who've been munched on by the enemy.

Left 4 Dead makes both sides of the zombie apocalypse a thrill to experience, as long as players are not alone. Survivors are armed with various guns. It's all about pitching in together, facing down seemingly endless waves of psychotic infected, bent on the demise. It's about watching each others' backs as players inch through hugely atmospheric environments, listening for the slightest zombie groan.

It's a tricky proposition for a game to serve up such seemingly lean variety, but Left 4 Dead does so with panache, and gamers will likely be enjoying this recipe for a long time.

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