Battle Fantasia is a two-player arcade fighting game from the creators of the Guilty Gear series. It opts for a 2.5D fighter styling - 2D fighter mechanics on a 2D plane with full 3D graphics like the Street Fighter IV.
According the game story, there was once a time when the world was engulfed in darkness. Mankind fought six battles to save their world, but lost every single one. All hope was lost for humanity, but one day the darkness was finally driven back by the swords of four heroes. Light returned to the world, and with it came peace and serenity.
Battle Fantasia is a two-player arcade fighting game from the creators of the Guilty Gear series. It opts for a 2.5D fighter styling - 2D fighter mechanics on a 2D plane with full 3D graphics like the Street Fighter IV.
According the game story, there was once a time when the world was engulfed in darkness. Mankind fought six battles to save their world, but lost every single one. All hope was lost for humanity, but one day the darkness was finally driven back by the swords of four heroes. Light returned to the world, and with it came peace and serenity.
The world was then divided into two major countries: The Magic Kingdom and the Steam Empire. The people prospered like never before. But in recent months, rumors spread among the people that the darkness was returning. However, fate has once again brought together warriors from all over the world. Like Guilty Gear, the game uses unusual-looking characters and varied settings. Each round acts as a chapter, setting the matches in the style of a fantasy chapter book.
Battle Fantasia uses RPG-stylish elements and mingles them with high level gameplay. Players will also be able to pick between 12 beautifully illustrated characters by Emiko Iwasaki, and battle it out against the deadly forces. Each player has a three-tiered MP gauge, which fills as players do and take damage. As well as providing access to each character's does-exactly-what-it-says-on-the-tin Super move, a stock of MP can also be used to enter Heat Up mode for a short time by tapping either punches or kicks, setting their character on fire Super Saiyan style.
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