Thursday, July 2, 2009

Bayonetta: The Game -A Hardcore Witch Slams Out

Bayonetta is a stylish and cinematic action game, directed by creator Hideki Kamiya. Players take the role of Bayonetta, a witch who shape-shifts and uses various firearms, along with magical attacks she performs with her own hair, to dispatch her foes. In addition to possessing four handguns, she has also been pictured with shotguns, rocket launchers, a glowing whip and a two-handed katana.

This game pushes the limits of the action genre, bringing to life its fast-paced, dynamic climax combat that takes place in stages that are a veritable theme park of exciting attractions. As per the story of the game, Players has to faces-off against countless angelic enemies, many reaching epic proportions, in a game of hundred percent pure, unadulterated all-out actions. Strange finishing moves are performed with dramatic grace as the player flows from one fight to another.

In this gameplay, players can also battle with a variety of other weapons retrieved from fallen enemies. For Bayonetta, hair serves as the basis of her costume and also her attacks and powers. These manifest in different ways like Wicked Weave attacks, Torture Attacks, and Climax Attacks. Moreover, the players can transform their shape as they calls upon primal forces, transforming into various beasts according to the situation. The graphics involved in this game seems to be an awesome one.

In short, Bayonetta game is positioned to be about pure action gameplay thereby unleashing out hardcore acts which set up a pace in gaining more appreciations from the gamers all over the world.

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